Monday, May 30, 2011

Easy Laundry Detergent

I started making my own laundry detergent. Mainly because I was intrigued and also because I like the "old school" feeling of it. There are so many detergents to choose from out there that it made me just want to get back to basics.  While doing this, I also discovered how economical it is as well.  When I wanted to make my own detergent, I googled a few different ways, some were for powder, others liquid.  The liquid seemed to be too much of an extra step - and then there was the problem of how to store it.  I like to make things in bulk - so it will last a quite a bit.  Also, if you are going to go through the trouble of dirtying the food processor, you better make it worth your while (I love the food processor - but hate how many pieces you have to clean in the end).  I decided on powder detergent - and changed the recipe from cup measurements  (who wants to measure out cupfuls of borax) to containers. Just dump and blend. It couldn't be easier. It may be difficult to find all of these ingredients. I was lucky that our local grocery store Sunset Foods (special shout-out to Sunset -- they are the best) carries all 3 ingredients.  Target has only Borax, and I didn't really check out other stores.

Homemade Powder Laundry Detergent

8 bars Fels Naptha Soap
2 boxes Arm and Hammer Washing Soda (55 ounce each)
1 box Borax (76 ounce)

Cut each Fels Naptha bars into thirds (lengthwise) so they will fit into the food processing tube. Using the shredding disc of your food processor, put in the Fels Naptha soap (I had to do this in two batches -- shred 4 bars, then dump into a container, shred the next 4 bars, then dump into a container). You can use it as it is, but I like it to be a bit finer so I run the shredded soap back through the food processor using the steel chopping blade.  I pour that into my container (a large sand bucket purchased in the Target dollar section).  Pour in the 2 boxes of Washing Soda and the 1 box of Borax. Stir to combine. How easy was that? Now how much to use per load? Not much. Use only 1-2 tablespoons per load. 1 tablespoon for small loads and 2 tablespoons for large loads.  How long will this last?  I'm not sure - this is an experiment for me.  I will let you know when I use this up.  I do know that I do quite a bit of laundry for my family of 4.

Let's add up the cost of this project:
8 bars Fels Naptha at $1.19 per bar = $9.52
2 boxes Washing Soda at $2.89 per box = $5.78
1 box Borax at $4.49
Total Cost = $19.79

Fabric Softener
As long as you are on a roll making your own laundry detergent.  Let's move on to fabric softener.  If you want to get back to basics with your fabric softener - this couldn't be easier. White vinegar! I swear that's it.  Just add 1/4 cup to 1/2 cup to your load (I have a little area in my machine to put in the fabric softener).  A one gallon jug of vinegar cost me $2.64 at Target. I love vinegar - and will be doing another post later on about the many uses of vinegar!

Now I just have to come up with a solution for folding all that laundry!

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